
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

English Language challenges

English Language challenges

First, of all I must say that the english language is more difficult for my since I was small, is complicated for my develop any skills related to language as: speaking, listening or reading; writing is less difficult for me.

1)      How did you like this subject at university?

English in university has been a challenge for me. Really english has been entertaining for my above all in the second block because is fanny and great fun.

I find the classroom environment is very fanny and relaxed and the first block helped me to practice writing, the spelling, and the writing speed it self.

2)      What about the use of blogs?

Truly I use the blog mainly in the english class and lesser extent I use the blog in my home in some free moments for revise, correct or fix.

I have endeavored at any rate for create a good blog and try to learn new things.

3)      What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?

I would like to speak more fluently but I am very ashamed because is very difficult for me, cost me the pronunciation for example.

The only way to learn english is practicing the language, because thereby you can gain confidence for get fluency.

4)      Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

Really do not use the language outside the classroom because for example I have not one t practice with, I do not like the music or movies in other language because I can no translate the songs or dialogues respectively; these are very fast.

Use another language is very interesting but to get to use it properly is necessary have a good foundation about the for example: order of prayers, verbs, articles, namely, of all grammatical elements.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

My future Job

What am I going to be when I get older?

Now I study primary education in the University of Chile I course third year of my career. In the future therefore I will work in the educative area.

1)      At university, what major have you taken / are you thinking of taking? Explain why.

In the university the most important thing I've done have been the subjects I've had in the university during the three years I have followed the career

2)      What kind of job would you like to have? Explain.

The job that I would have is directly whit my actually ocupation, their career track. In the future I like to work in the preeschool education as kinder garden, primary school or the related intitutions whit the educatión in general, for example: hospitals, museums, women´s prisions, child-care centers, etc. What I would like to work in the public institution.

3)      What aspects would you consider when choosing your job? Explain.

I think the first point would be that I liked, this is the most important because must like what you do, thinking that probably what do all your life.

The secos point would your salary: The ideal is within your expectations. Also must reach to pay accounts for example, lease, food, clothing, and if you have childen upload budget you would pay the school and implements related.

4)      If you were asked in a job interview about your strengths and weaknesses, what would you say? Explain.

On my strengths, I say that I am responsible, committed, friendly, and cheerful; I like work in groups and create new things.
And about my weaknesses I think I perfectionist and this could disturbing the remaining workers.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Lev Vigotsky

My favourite author:  Lev Semýonovich Vigotsky


Lev Semýonovich Vigotsky was a Russian psychologist prominent in the  psycholog developmenty theory and neuropsichology, his approach is marxist. He was born in November, 12, 1986 and died in Jun 11, 1934.

Study medicine and law in the universiti of Moscu, was teacher of languaje and literatura, psychology and  histori of art. In 1919 at the Pedagogical Institute created a psychology laboratory to study children in kindergartens.

Now he is recognized because theirs theoris about human development and adhere to its principles millon and million of peoples.  Some of his followers then continued to develop his theory and found other fields of study. two of the greatest disciples of Vygotsky were Aleksandr Románovich Lúriya and Gerome Brunner.


Recognized as "the zone of proximal development" the actual developmental level and the level of potential development with the help of other childen with more experience.

higher psychological functions manifest in 2 areas: social and personal, every function appears twice: a social level, and later, at the individual level.

Internalization is transformation process of social psychological phenomenon.

One of the most famous contribution is the book thought and language, this is about the interconection between oral language and evelepment of conceptual concepts. The thought and word are involved, they can not be alone concepts.

I agree with this theory because is very interesting and was intelligently raised, also introdust a change to the existing behavioural model. I believe in this theory and support because one is inconceivable if the other , I think the languaje creates realities and this are more powerful.