
domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

What happens if you don´t sleep? What are the consequences if you dont´t sleep ?

What  happens if you don´t sleep?  What are the consequences if you dont´t sleep ?

Studies show if you not sleep well durin 4 years can have drastic consequences in degeneration neuronogical  and disorder in the sleep .

Problems to long time: What are the problems in the long time?

Exist a relation between sleep deprivation and the neuropsychiatric disorders as: Bipolarity, anxiety, depression, and others related as: fisical ailment, headache, bad humour .Then with the time, make and efort the body to stay awaken, also affect arterial presion and levels of inflammation this increases the posibilite of cancer or heart diseased

Problems to short time: What are problems in the short time?

Recents studies shows effect of pulling an all-nighter – short term euphoria. The región of brain which are responsable of planification and evaluation decision simply closed if you don´t sleep weel. This coud generate which are responsible  transtorns or consequences of the brain that would be irreparable.

Investigations show that if mesolimbic system is over-stimulated by sleep deprivation, coud by brain damage forever. Researchers say if you stay all night long awake for a exam for example, is not good, in fact; that does more harm than good because the consolidation of memory happens during deep sleep.

One by one the nights sleepless are responsible of weaken the couping between the structures of memory in the case of recall particular events, the circuitry not work.

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